How long and at what temperature should I smoke a goose
I am smoking five geese. They are whole and not breasted. How long should I smoke them? At what temperature should I smoke them.
Thank you
It depends on the weight to be absolutely exact but my favorite of all
smoked goose recipes calls for about 8 hours based on 8 -10 pounds (3.5 – 4.5kg) weight of bird. The smoking temperature should be 250°F or 120°C and you'll need a hot water bath underneath.
You can keep tabs on how the cooking is going with a
BBQ thermometer where you need to be looking for an internal temperature of about 180°F or 82°C. Otherwise use a skewer to prick the bird in the thigh and check that the juices run clear.
You may want to use a marinade and I think that this is absolutely perfect for a
barbecue goose. It gives lovely golden results but beware, it takes about 3 days to fully work it's magic.
Also remember that whether using a marinade or not, you need to pre-prep your goose by scalding the skin in boiling water until it's white and fluffy, pricking it all over and then leaving to dry uncovered in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
This all helps the fat escape and there will be a bucket load if you're doing 5 geese. Be careful when removing the geese at the end of the cookout because the fat will accumulate inside the cavity and could burn you. The best way to keep safe is to cook the geese using a
vertical turkey roaster
One final point to remember, once cooked always let your bird rest so that the meat and juices cook a start to solidify. This will ensure that you have really succulent meat. I try to leave my goose for about an hour before carving.
See Also:-
Barbecue Rub RecipesBarbecue MarinadesHomemade Barbecue SauceBrine RecipesReturn to Gas Grill Recipes from How long and at what temperature should I smoke a goose